Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TUD - Professur für Forstliche Biometrie und Forstliche Informatik - ABM-IBM Course

Course in Individual- and Agent-Based Modeling

Bad Schandau, 20.7.-2.8.2008


Individual/Agent-based modeling is a computational approach to analyzing complex systems in many disciplines, including ecology, geography, economics, and systems biology. The basic idea of agent-based models (ABMs) is to model the essential traits and behaviors of adaptive agents (plants, animals, humans, institutions) and investigate the individual- and system-level properties that emerge as the agents interact with each other and their environment. Individual behavior and system-level patterns are mutually dependent and ABMs are a powerful tool for understanding this relationship. The course will introduce the basic concepts and methods of agent-based modeling through lectures, exercises, and independent projects. The software platform „NetLogo“ will be used.

TUD - Professur für Forstliche Biometrie und Forstliche Informatik - ABM-IBM Course

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